For Chorus Members

Dates, Rehearsals, Concerts and other events

Regular rehearsals at St. James Parish Hall at 6:30 pm on the first Mondays of February and the second Mondays of September.
Concerts at St. James on May 3rd and 4th at 3:00 pm.
Tentative rehearsal at St. James Parish Hall to be announced.


TCC Spring 2025 Music

There are timings for major sections of most pieces.
If you have trouble with these sections, you can use the recordings to go directly to that section.
Use the red slider at the bottom of the video.

Randall Thompson Alleluia

E Whitaker Kalá kallá

bar 9  0:40
bar 26  1:06
bar 34  1:43
bar 51  2:05
bar 58  2:40

Lauridsen Dirait-on

bar 23  1:01
bar 32  1:25
bar 48  2:07
bar 60  2:37
bar 68  3:00
bar 88  4:02

Szymko It takes a Village

bar 25  0:47
bar 45  1:20
bar 77  2:10
bar 85  2:50

Stroope Amor de me Alma

bar 16  0:56
bar 27  1:53
bar 40  2:57
bar 53 4:00
bar 63 4:50
bar 68 5:12
bar 73 5:33

Barber Sure on this Shining Night

bar 17 (bottom p5) 1:04
bar 22  1:25
bar 32 (bottom p7) 2:05

Szymko The Peace of Wild Things

bar 8  0:33
bar 12  0:48
bar 14  1:00
bar 19  1:25
bar 23  1:45
bar 27  2:02
bar 36  2:35
bar 43  3:03
bar 48  3:25
bar 59  4:10

Parker/Shaw Saints Bound for Heaven


Questions? Your section leader is an experienced singer who has been with TCC for several seasons. He or she is here to enhance your singing experience and help you with whatever questions or concerns you may have. Here you can link to section leader emails.

For general TCC questions, contact our president at
More info on TCC leaders

Find out more about your conductor, Brian Uerling, and accompanist, Kim Bakkum.

Our board is made up of chorus members.

Find out who’s on the board, and consider whether you would be willing to serve on the board in the future. See board members.

Each member of TCC’s board of directors is elected by the chorus and serves a 3-year term. Often, directors are willing to serve for an additional term and may do so if re-elected by the chorus. The board meets monthly to review, discuss and make decisions about chorus activities, opportunities, finances and goals—it runs the “business” of the chorus and works closely with TCC’s conductor in doing so. TCC’s conductor often attends and participates in the meetings.